Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Term 2 reflection

Term 2 has been an incredibly hard and long process.

The film was in many ways put on the back burner like it is for all students this time of the year and there is a reason for it! That reason being the dissertation. The dissertation takes an absolutely HUGE chunk of your time.

We had a presentation the other day which went well, with both Dave Bull and Mike Smith liking how the film is shaping up. It's incredibly encouraging knowing that the tutors like how the film is progressing and I'm really aiming to get the best quality work out of this!

We're still sadly waiting on the model and rig but from what I've seen from Clym it is very slowly getting there. He's working on a few other projects before he works on mine which will mean I won't get the rigs until the start of the third term which may halt things a bit more than I would have liked to. I'm only concerned because I don't want to have to rush the animation at all otherwise we won't be able to hit the target of getting the film done for the degree show!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Model so far

I've been working with Clym closely and here's what's been created so far! Kofi is no longer working on the chick since I wanted to give him time to work on his film but we've been working on the foundations that Kofi set up with the model. I firstly edited the model to a basic extent and then sent to Clym to finetune. We've been going back and forth and got to this stage! I quickly Photoshopped the character to look like he was rendered and so far so good!

Saturday, 26 March 2011


The dissertation, the single biggest halt in the production of Unhatched has now been submitted! Woo!

Despite how much time it took to create it the research behind it luckily taught me a lot about the use of sound in film, and more specifically animation. Perhaps this added knowledge will aid me with the sound in Unhatched?

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Final model sheet

Here's the orthograph of the model! Clym is using it to aid him in the design for the two unnamed birds.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Establishing Shot Render Test

Here's the latest render test of the opening shot! Some things will change but I hope to get the first shot rendered by the end of the week, the fence will be added in and the background may change a tad but the colours are pretty much where I want them to be, as are the clouds.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Kofi's work on the model

Here's Kofi's model of the chick so far!


It's slowly getting there but I've outlined everything I need doing to the model. The things I need editing are mostly related to the proportions but I know we'll get there!

Nest render test

Very very very very very very early test quickly created in Maya!

The eggs are not their representative sizes.

Over the nest week I hope to have the finished opening sequence finished (not this), and I'll ensure it's as good as it can possibly be.

Edit: The quality of the shot isn't that great, I'll upload it at a higher resolution when it's further in development.

Reference "Swedbank: Under the Oak Tree"

Looks like Aardman beat us to the design! We may as well finish the project now!

Just kidding, but it's good to see a nice bit of reference.

Thanks to Dan Edgley of Polished Off fame for showing it to me!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Render tests

Here are a few quick render tests I created, it will still change.


